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x) Magie Immerse


x) Magie Immerse

45,00 €
39,00 €

Paolo Bertacchini

Published by Fly Line, 2007

224 page color, A4 format, hardcover

ISBN 978-88-89468-02-9

Available only in Italian

"It is difficult to define this book in a few words, but one thing is certain; after reading it there will be little left for you to learn about nymphs and classic spiders, if you're trying to build them with skill and, above all, to use them wisely.
We will analyze the most effective wet flies, and you will understand why the choice of every feather, every hair and each type of construction, but above all you will understand the thoughts of the fishermen who turned fishing into passion and passion into science, in the eternal attempt to discover today a law and tomorrow, maybe, perhaps, a thought of the God who created trout and insects".

This is the phrase that, on the back cover flap of this work, tries to describe it in a few lines. In fact it is not that easy to get an adequate idea in one concise paragraph.
Magie Immerse is a fly-tying book that teaches you to correctly build nymphs and classic spiders, and other flies, of English, French and Italian origin. You will then learn to produce, in a complete way, the nymphs of Skues and Sawyer, Ain's little flies, Walter Bartellini's spiders, the Valsesia style and many others, but also their happier evolution and the personal wet flies of some good fishermen of our rivers and streams.


Read HERE here Articles of Fly Line available on the site, but beware, all the articles are in Italian.


Read HERE previews of the books available on the site, but beware, all the books, except CDC EVOLUTION,  are in Italian.





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His name is Fly Line.
Thanks to it, the rivers will have less and less secrets for the fly fisherman.
In this magazine passion becomes culture and culture simplicity.


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