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q) Ephemeridae - Emerger, Cripple, Stillborn, Nymph

Tying of nymph, emerger, cripple, stillborn of mayfly

q) Ephemeridae - Emerger, Cripple, Stillborn, Nymph

45,00 €
43,00 €
Lingua / Language / Langue / Sprache


"Ephemeridae - Emerger, Cripple, Stillborn, Nymphis the second volume of the "Superfly" series. AVAILABLE with immediate shipping.

While the first volume described winged insects, this second work in the series describes imitations of all stages from nymph to hatching, offering models of depth nymphs, rising nymphs, surface nymphs, emergent, cripple and stillborn.

A first part describes everything you need to know about ephemeral nymphs, their ethology, morphology, as well as possible hypotheses on the phenomenon of hatching. Each proposed model is unpublished, it is introduced by the description, by the reasons, by any stories and anecdotes and by the construction illustrated and described in the photographic steps.

Until January 6, 2021 it will be on sale for € 43.00 (instead of € 45.00). The shipping fee by express courier for abroad is € 9.00.

The characteristics: 44 dressing; 28 mounting systems; 53 photos of insects accompany the step by step descriptions of the proposed models, in turn illustrated by high resolution photographic steps.

Editorial format: Hardback cover, 22 x 29 cm format, 208 pages, coated paper. ISBN 978-88-89468-22-7

In the meantime, you can see three previews:

Preview 1

Preview 2

Preview 3


The DIGITAL version of the book is also available in Google Play Book: click the link or the logo.

logo Google book


Read HERE here Articles of Fly Line available on the site, but beware, all the articles are in Italian.


Read HERE previews of the books available on the site, but beware, all the books, except CDC EVOLUTION,  are in Italian.





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